Review Copies/Blogger Groups

If you like my blog and would like to send review copies of your designs/creations to be blogged, please contact me in-world. My name is Jaliyah Latrell.
 The best way to reach me is through notecard or if I am currently online; feel free to message me through IM. You can also reach me by email at or leave me a Flickr mail

I promise to credit each designer/store I work with as well as provide a link to your website/blog if you have one and provide SLURLs to your store in world.
If you own a blogger group and would like to add me to it, you can just send me a group invite.

I must say this. I will try my best to blog the clothing sent to me, provided it is my style. My style is pretty eclectic so this shouldn't be a problem.
Please give me at least a week to blog your designs.  I work with different designers and I also have clothing I buy and would like to feature as well. I want to give all an opportunity to shine.

I appreciate the amazing work SL designers create and contribute to this vast virtual world we call Second Life. You make this world what it is each and everyday! I thank you for that :-)

xoxo Jaliyah Latrell